Enabling schools to fight inequities and educational poverty: empirical insights adopting a Learning Analytics perspective


Deprivation and inequities are key determinants of social exclusion and marginalization. An additional factor compounds the negative effects generated by deprivation and inequity: educational poverty. Although it has been largely overlooked both in theory and in practice, educational poverty nourishes social exclusion, representing an obstacle to the achievement of Society 5.0. The PON 2014/2020 “For the School” has been conceived for achieving an “…intelligent, equal, sustainable, and inclusive growth”, putting people at the core of its action. In particular, the calls intended to foster social inclusion and to fill in the social inequities through the overcoming of educational poverty, perform as a boost to equity and fairness. This article embraces a Learning Analytics perspective and suggests a distance education model to promote the participation of schools to interventions financed by the PON 2014/2020, shedding lights on the antecedents to the achievement to Society 5.0.