Inclusive teaching practices and assessment methods for students with Specific Learning Disorders: a survey with primary school teachers


The implementing decree of Law 170 /2010 gives the national education system the task of drawing up Personalised Learning Plans (PDP), identifying appropriate educational and teaching strategies and assessment methods for students with Specific Learning Disorders, to ensure educational success and the full achievement of each student's potential. The contribution aims to present the results of a survey carried out in the academic year 2023/24 with 49 primary school teachers. To this end, a semi-structured questionnaire was administered to the teachers to investigate, on the one hand, their knowledge of Specific Learning Disorders following the compulsory training on SLDs, which all schools are required to provide, as established by Law No. 170/10 and the subsequent Implementation Decree No. 5669/11, and, on the other, the educational-didactic strategies and assessment methods implemented and used by teachers, in the presence of pupils with specific learning disorders. Specifically, we wanted to investigate in what terms teachers implement and design inclusive teaching practices in the presence of pupils with SLDs and what are the assessment methods they use most.