The paper come out from a series of thoughts tending to go along the path of some of the principal problems of the relationship with the Other (in particular, ”the Stranger-Other”), the kind of relationship that today, in a territory of globalized societies and actually always more multiethnic – multicultural but that only relatively they recognize themselves and act as such, it can totally favour or invalidate the same possibility of multiculturalism. Communication, in particular interpersonal communication, cannot be anything else that a fundamental element for a real relationship with the Other; it is certainly a matter that cannot be exhaustible in an essay of limited dimensions as the one that follow. Starting from the assumption (probably shareable) that the intercultural communication problematic doesn't certainly reside in the “tongue” as such, but it resides in the “language/s”, in a more complete sense of the term, that come to meet/collide, or in the culture structural connotations (semiotic, symbolic, valuable, etc.), the reasoning is based on some basic logics of communicative acting, in its aspects (besides absolutely inter co-related and interdependent) of “transmission” and “relation”.