In Italy, the health emergency has had strong consequences on people’s lives, amplifying already evident inequalities and generating new ones. In the field of education, there have been heavy effects on educational poverty: the rapid move to distance learning (at least its “emergency” version carried out during the lockdown) has had the (potential) risk to undermine the principle of equity that should guide every educational action and to encourage the rooting of inequalities among students, related to their domestic environment, characterized by the possession or not of appropriate spaces and technological tools and by socio-economic characteristics of families. The aim of this study is to examine the distance between those who have all the resources suitable for promoting distance learning and those who, on the other hand, are excluded, partially or totally. Data analysed in this study come from the INVALSI Student Questionnaire of the 2018/19 school year, used as a proxy for the data relating to the 2019/20 school year (not available because of school closure during lockdown). Through georeferencing of schools and the analysis of global (Moran) and local (LISA) univariate and bivariate spatial autocorrelation, spatial clusters of schools will be identified in order to bring out important territorial peculiarities.