A territorial analysis of the Index of Educational Poverty points out that the Italian regions which have the lowest scores in terms of educational poverty are those that are more willing to participate in the calls for applications for founding provided by the ESF and the EFRD. A longitudinal analysis focusing on the 2014/2020 timeframe highlights that 6,997 schools have applied to one or more calls of the Italian Ministry of Education, proposing a variety of initiatives to improve the educational system quality. Such schools are primarily located in the disadvantaged area of the Peninsula. In light of this state of the art, the inter-ministerial decree no 218 dated March, 15th 2019 issued by the managing authority of the Ministries of Education and University and Research identified 292 territorial areas suffering from social exclusion in the Southern part of Italy. With the call no. 26,502 dated August, 6th 2019, the managing authority encouraged targeted initiatives aimed at curbing educational poverty. The article summarizes the outcomes achieved at the end of August 2020, contemplating educational institutions who benefitted from the call no. 26,502 to prevent educational poverty and to fight school drop-outs. Data were collected from the GPU (the web-based system of integrated planning) 2014/2020. The study emphasize the role of the PON as a crucial tool to overcome the shortcomings of the country in terms of educational poverty and inequality.