Crossmediality is metamorphosing digital environments into authentic existential dimensions by immersing us in fluid realities (Floridi, 2015), where generational transitions are delineated through a symbolic alphabetic evolution that leads digitally advanced natives back to the first letter of the Greek alphabet, emblematic of a new ontology of the digital self. Prosumers represent only the tip of a submerged iceberg that notes the profound dependence of hate on the verb (word), in fact, on multiple fronts echoes the pressing need to create a meta-discursive space dedicated to reflection apt to distance the alpha generation from the looming specter of serial de-humanization. The onus is placed, as a priority, on educators/teachers who are asked to introduce works of empowerment and prevention through education of the word which, inevitably, will have to act as a translator of the kaleidoscope of emotions that shape the character of students. In the essay, operational proposals will be outlined, in a paradigmatic way, aimed at countering the phenomenon of hate speech since elementary school, including, also, some educational strategies (Emotional role-play and P4C sessions). The aim is to promote language use marked by caring thinking (Lipman, 1980), aimed at deconstructing negative stereotypes and making people understand the different nuances of words related to the contexts of reference (constructive use of the words).