In the academic year 2021/2022 the research project “Prevention of domestic accidents and promotion of physical activity over 60” was carried out to promote the well-being of 8 groups of people over 60 (218 in total) in the province of Palermo. Within the project, the administration of the DigComp questionnaire allowed the identification of an experiment group (22 people) and a control group (24 people) with an average age of 70 years (cluster sampling). The group with low digital skills followed the learning modules in a digital environment, while the group that showed good digital skills participated in the face-to-face training sessions. It was assumed that at the end of the experimental intervention the following digital skills would be improved: use of digital technologies for social interaction and knowledge of the rules of the digital environment. The post test showed an increase in digital skills and the acquisition of the same pre-established skills.