Narrative Inquiry and Problem Based Learning: a workshop proposal in university education


Teacher reflective competence is a central theme in the debate of national and international pedagogical research. With a view to university teaching innovation, recent studies see the potential of the Narrative Inquiry (NI) methodological approach as good practice and an effective tool for promoting reflective competence in future primary school teachers. The research presents a workshop exemplification proposed as part of the Docimology Course, which involved 204 students enrolled in the second year of the Degree Course in Primary Education, in the academic year 2022-2023, having as its object the development of reflective practice to increase processes of awareness of one's docimological skills. It was hypothesised that the workshop proposal based on the theoretical principles of Narrative Inquiry and the operational methods of Problem Based Learning, if implemented in the Docimology course, would promote reflective practice in future teachers with respect to the possession of docimological skills.