Today’s sociocultural complexity urges pedagogical research to reflect on new educational and training needs to support the education of new generations, to make humanity flourish. Specifically, a contribution to the critical examination comes from the World Bank report “Achieving gender…
The Public Speaking method and its educational application in schools, has considerable potential, not yet fully explored by educational research and pedagogical reflection. This conviction derives from the experimentation of the didactic application of this approach, thanks to a project implemented…
The ability to project education and its nature seems to be more a fantasy game rather than a pedagogical necessity. Looking beyond the present or the near future, heading towards that horizon of aconian memory, appears a planning necessity and a real social requirement. The need to determine and to…
Caring and loving, in a dynamic of motivation and support aimed at the well-being of the person, are just some of the ingredients that in today’s time characterize the helping relationship. The school world, as the main and variable context, becomes a dialogical gymnasium that opens to new and…
This theoretical-conceptual paper aims to highlight the pedagogical potential of Matthew Lipman’s community philosophical practice for the education of complex thinking by elaborating its links with Gianni Rodari’s pedagogy. The analysis refers to four thematic cores: (1) narrative as a…
Since the 1970s the Italian school has chosen the path of integration and inclusion of all male and female students, making difference its cornerstone. The education cannot but feed on diversity in order to be truly effective, in terms of building cultures and citizenship practices. In this…
The glut of information triggered by the network’s devices (intentional or not) risks limiting or preventing the rational procedures that allow their reliability to be verified. We are witnessing a crisis of critical-reflexive skills (Davies, 2019) whose history would be too challenging to…
Italian Constitution assigns school a key role for social justice: assuming equity as a horizon of pedagogical meaning is essential. However, old and new inequalities weigh on students’ educational paths, generating iniquity. In this context, Antonio Gramsci’s thought on school is an important…
The article starts from some solicitations of Pope Francis regarding the urgency of a new ecological thought, which permeates culture and education tout court, and of a new vision of the human person that is characterized by its tension to recognize in the "other" a brother. In particular, it…
As systemic organization which interacts with the external environment (Weik, 1976), the school has to provide suitable solutions for the multiple challenges of the context, in order to reach a quality education for all and each one. Considering it and the feature of the school as organization based…
Initial training has often changed and changed without a vision and objective that could meet contemporary challenges. In fact the quality of teacher training cannot be separated from the overall school policy of a country. If school does not become one of the basic concerns of national policy,…
In the Autumn of 2021, the Italian Regional School Office (USR) for Sicily launched the Insieme project with the aim of supporting schools and teachers in the development of learning environments and inclusive teaching strategies and to systematize groups and practices for self-evaluation of…
The pandemic has had a strong impact on the psyche, emotions, sociability, behavior and lifestyles of adolescents and its prolongation is defined as a "secondary pandemic" because it is a less tangible, visible and quantifiable consequence than the primary one that every day invades official…
The health emergency caused by the spread of COVID-19 during 2020-21 forced schools of all levels to provide online education. The complexity of the situation that has emerged and the problems that have immediately spread has stimulated debate on various aspects of the issue, in particular on the…
Western society is organised according to the so-called contractualist legislative model, i.e., all subjects act on the basis of benefits or sanctions resulting from their behaviour; this means that everyone chooses his or her behaviour according to the social role he or she plays and the utility of…
Since 2020, the sanitary emergency conditions caused by the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic have dramatically and shockingly spilled over the entire globe. This has affected and still affects every aspect of human living, including education. The structural change in school organization, committed…
The pandemic period has generated an invisible “flood” of dropouts. Invalsi data for 2021 show that the number of students who have not yet reached the minimum level of basic skills has increased. This hidden form of early school leaving looks set to grow and create huge gaps across the country,…
Starting from bill 2372/22, now in the Senato as Ddl 2493/22, the essay explores the link between non-cognitive competences and equity and social justice in education, thematizing the multiplicity of expressions referring to this domain of skills and attitudes and seeing in Philosophy for Children a…
Intelligent personal assistants, conversational agents that can dialogue with humans through speech, have quickly entered the homes of people around the world, as smart speakers. Thanks to the use of the voice channel instead of the visual/tactile one, they allow people to perform many hands-free…
Human capital represents the most important resource available to countries for equitable and sustainable social and economic growth. For this reason, all states should commit themselves to pursuing policies aimed at guaranteeing universal and permanent access to the education and training system.…
This work embraces the most recent contributions of Italian special pedagogy (Pinnelli, 2019; 2017; Sorrentino, 2020; Cinque, 2013) and of international pedagogical research (Gagné, 1985, 2004) on giftedness and talent in the sports field (Platvoet et al., 2015), as well as on approaches (Faber et…
From an ICF perspective, observing facilitators and barriers is a fundamental step in building inclusive school settings. This article proposes a model of analysis and documentation, based on general levels (the school, organization, resources and services) and specific levels (the classroom,…
Prolegomena: the pleasure principle in making art at school. The pedagogical debate that is taking place about this current topic, crucial but often overlooked, collects a multitude of stimuli. These stimuli have matured in the most disparate disciplinary fields of knowledge (neuroscience,…
This paper focuses on an initiative to communicate permanent censuses and foster statistical culture, promoted by Istat thanks to the collaboration of the Ministry of Education, called The Permanent Census on school desks. Launched in 2019 with the aim of developing in young people an in-depth…
The Covid-19 pandemic led to further restrictions within the prison, which exacerbated pre-existing problems and weaknesses. The school in prison, which has always suffered from low visibility and lack of recognition of its specific features compared to other educational contexts, has had to face…
The crisis caused by the pandemic has made us understand the fragility of our educational system and how fundamental it is to start from a new pedagogical sensitivity that is able to enhance the ethics of responsibility. The introduction of the transversal teaching of civic education in the Italian…
Culture is our heritage, made by the long chain of generations, and each of us is heir and caregiver of it. Everybody and the community can enjoy this heritage when an increasing number of citizens of all ages and backgrounds have access to it. The democratic states ideally grant this access, but…
The strong limitations to teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic raise fears that in the school there may be a loss of learning in all school grades. The learning loss, which occurs in periods of prolonged interruption from lessons, cannot currently be calculated exactly. The lack of INVALSI data for…
In museums, the stratification of the realities of life and its historical process are preserved and ask to be understood. Every research grows by chasing the traces of the past, becoming a story in which we bring down the lived experience of our young people, giving birth in them the need to…
The school in the third millennium was induced to reflect on the transformation of the entire school environment and on the change in teaching, when the traditional slate blackboard was replaced, replaced by the interactive multimedia one, the books on paper were integrated or replaced with versions…
The digital skills are fundamental to make adequate use of the digital services of the public administration and to access to the world of work. In learning contexts, it is therefore important to increase the use of digital technologies in order to improve learning processes and to develop new…
Educational courses must be inclusive, so as to allow anyone, regardless of personal skills and needs, to complete them profitably. To achieve true inclusion it is necessary that both technological tools and teaching contents are accessible, that is, usable by everyone. But that's not enough:…
The paper intends to highlight the issues concerning educational poverty at the time of Covid-19 and how the inequalities that are encountered in the school environment in contexts of educational normality have become acute and / or have acquired new forms in the phases I and II. The changes in the…
The paper presents the first results of a survey (still in progress) promoted by the QTimes - Journal of Education, Technology and Social Studies, in collaboration with the Roma TrE - Education Foundation (University of Roma Tre) and National IRASE (Academic, Social and Educational Research…
The word “Metacooperative Learning” refers to the methodology of Cooperative Learning together with the priciples of metacognitive didactics.. The author of the present contribution developed this approach in an exploratory survey regarding pre-school children in the years 2016 and 2017. The…
School evaluation aims at monitoring or improving the quality of the school as a whole. In order to guarantee the quality of the Education and Training system it is not enough to define and control the starting standards, but it is crucial to explain and verify the arrival standards. In such a…
For just over five years, even in our country, under the pressure of supranational public debate, there has been much talk about “social innovation”, without it being always clear what is meant by this definition. Therefore, the objective of this brief reflection is to circumscribe the meaning…
The dual system work-based learning (WBL) allows the students to realize part of their formative curriculum in working contexts, turning the model of tied up learning to a single disciplines into a different model that recognizes the value of the informal and not formal learnings in terms of…
Educational agencies are going through a difficult transition period that is having important consequences in terms of de-legitimation of the social mandate historically assigned to school. The reason of this widespread uneasiness is due to the fact that today we are living in a complex system where…
A scuola di social media è un lavoro di ricerca teorico-empirica che si focalizza sul ruolo che l’istituzione educativa può e deve svolgere nella nuova società della rete che fa intravedere rinnovate configurazioni sociali attraverso cui la comunità può esprimersi. Il lavoro è indirizzato a…
The social system is profoundly changed, producing important consequences both in the school, and in our "communities." The concept of community is polysemic and various, depending on the perspective from which we study it. So, this essay focuses on the nature of the school as educational community.…
Literacy is the word that we used to refer to competence’s set that include capacities to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts. “Literacy involves a continuum of learning in enabling individuals to…
Different implicit approaches to promoting innovation in education can be explored through the decision making of curriculum, reflecting what is taught to students and how the students are taught. This paper discusses a profile of innovation rationales for the central and school-based approaches to…