Rapporti, riflessioni, presentazioni

"Active citizenship" workshops: urban, creative and participatory redevelopment

The introduction of transversal teaching of civic education in schools has the purpose of preparing the new generations…

Communicating and participating today: the challenges. Still another challenge for educators and trainers

While connecting young people with the contemporary media we often focus on the risks of the network and the need to…

Healing words. Happiness, inter-esse, gratitude and trust in education

Some recent documents on happiness and well-being among citizens are the starting point for a reflection on the…

The marginalized people of Ventotene. Pedagogical utopias for a democratic School

In Italy, during the Fascist period, political confinement was added to the common confinement intended to exclude the…

Educational assistance for school inclusion: reflections for the construction of evaluation systems

The objective of school educational assistance is to improve the learning and socialization processes of the pupils with…

Fostering the quality of inclusion in early childhood education services. Methodological insights from an ecosystemic perspective

The integrated system for early childhood education from 0 to 6 years, an educational ecosystem interconnected with the…

Assistive technologies for disability. From prosthetic assistance to the promotion of skills and inclusion. What role can the disability manager play?

To date, WHO estimates that more than one billion people need assistive technology, but that only 10% of them have…

Towards a pedagogy of walking. Rethinking the city as an educational space, between technology, movement and relationality

In recent years, the concept of the “learning city” has acquired great relevance in the pedagogical debate, which…

Video analysis enhanced by Artificial Intelligence in teacher training

Video analysis, understood as a device for teacher training, has progressively adapted its tools to technological…

Learning in the metaverse: for an educational use of hybrid environments

The metaverse, a participatory and shared three-dimensional space, the result of multiple technological elements…

Pedagogy of desire through the Manifesto Theatre by Pier Paolo Pasolini for Education: the promise of the embodied word

In order to consider desire as a main category of contemporary Italian pedagogy, Education cannot be divorced from…

Stem pedagogy to partecipate with Community learners

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education is becoming increasingly important in today's…

Studi e contributi di ricerca

“Educating to choose for the future”: an active guidance programme towards school-university transition (PNRR)

In the light of the indications and guidelines for the implementation of the PNRR measures (M4 C1) relating to…

Transitions in the migratory path and the role of the CPIA in accompanying adult immigrants

The migratory choice represents a planning action in the course of which various transition dimensions arise: spatial,…

Facilitators and barriers in inclusive teaching for Special Educational Needs: testing an ecosystem approach

Barriers and facilitators represent two substantial constructs for the design of an inclusive teaching aimed at students…

Digital education in pre-school: a descriptive review

Recent years have seen a change in the way pre-school children play and learn. In this regard, experts are increasingly…

Immersive virtual reality and learning assessment. An exploratory research in a high school

The paper presents the results of an exploratory research aimed at investigating various aspects related to the use of…

Participatory action-research as conversational pedagogy. A project to co-design an educational community

This paper shows the early results of a Participatory Action-Research (PAR) in which University, School, and Third…

The perception of diversity at school through Simon’s adventure: an exploratory study

Since the 1970s the Italian school has chosen the path of integration and inclusion of all male and female students,…

Developing Critical Thinking skills through the creative use of memes: an experience in a University course

Memes have become one of the most insidious tools for spreading online misinformation. Their power stems from their…

Assessment experience and conceptions of assessment: An empirical research with prospective secondary school teachers

The paper concerns an observational-correlational research aimed at detecting the “profile” of conceptions about…

Expectations and beliefs about professional identity: a study on teachers enrolled in TFA

The structuring of teachers' professional stance is a complex, dynamic, and collective process (Magnoler, 2017),…

Co-teaching and video production-based workshop as drivers for meaningful learning

Video production-based learning is widely recognised as a powerful strategy to engage students in meaningful learning in…

Promoting social-emotional skills in pre-primary school. Results of a quasi-experimental study

Several studies have shown that participating in interventions promoting social-emotional skills from early childhood…

Analyzing participation in school contexts: triggering change through the use of indicators

This article presents results from the first phase of an action research process conducted together with a group of…

The use of educational technologies to carry out goal 4 of the 2030 Agenda

The paper contextualizes the study activities within the Action 4.3 of the fourth objective programmed by the UN 2030…

Educational counseling for continuity paths for ages 0-6: the point of view of educators and teachers

The paper presents an exploratory research on the function of educational counseling as support and enhancement of the…

Creative Practices 3-6 in kindergarten

The concept of creativity recalls multiple skills and competencies, such as personality and motivational factors,…

STEM in small schools. Organizational and teaching practices

National and international research has been able to deepen important differences between stu-dents of small schools…

Tackling online hate speech with the involvement of targeted groups. The methodological proposal of the project REASON – REAct in the Struggle against ONline hate speech

This article analyses the project "REASON - REAct in the Struggle against ONline hate speech", which aims to counter…

Digital learning environments to foster the undergraduates’ students employability

In recent years, a deep digital transformation has been taking place within education at all levels; the Covid-19…

Early identification of learning difficulties and strengthening in preschool

The early detection of learning difficulties, attributable to a Specific Learning Disorder (SLD), during the pre-school…

Entrepreneurial skills and virtual university internship: success stories from an Erasmus+ project

The evolving world of work leads universities to orient students toward self-entrepreneurship. The recruitment of a…

Giving voice to the needs of adults at work in the age of smart working. The case of an ICT company

The emergency caused by the SARS-coV-2 virus has generated radical transformations in people's lives. This article…

Train newly hired teachers to assessment for learning with the authentic task

During the training workshops Assessment of learning organized by the scientific high school “E. Fermi” in Aversa…

A school outside of school: an analysis of the laboratory methodology from a pedagogical point of view in educational community for young people

This paper aims to explore the pedagogical aspects, still little explored, of the competence of the social educator in…

Perceiving oneself. Outcomes of an exploratory survey with the PBL at the University

The university is undoubtedly a privileged place for participation, confrontation, and continuous educational…

Elementary tablet integration: lessons learned from a case study

More and more teachers are planning and implementing the integration of tablets into teaching. However, the…

Social media literacy to prevent social media addiction and objectifying attitudes in favor of civic and participatory strengthening

In the age of datafication, our lives are increasingly created and managed online. This path seems irreversible and…

Narrative Inquiry and Problem Based Learning: a workshop proposal in university education

Teacher reflective competence is a central theme in the debate of national and international pedagogical research. With…

Fake news and critical awareness: an exploratory study

This contribution presents the results of a training course carried out at the University of Palermo on the topic of…

The inclusion of DSA in Universities. State of the art and future perspectives

The relevant increase in the number of female and male students with DSA enrolled in recent years has placed new demands…

The interreligious experience of young Italian students during their study year abroad

The paper aims to present the experienced life values with a specific focus on the religiosity of some young Italian…

Alternative Augmentative Communication in the Universal Design for Learning paradigm: trajectories and connections

Abstract: The work sheds light on the inclusive potential of Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC) as a…

Gender-sensitive language: one step to ensuring equality and inclusiveness

Abstract: Culture, education, a correct language are elements to be able to guarantee a system of equal opportunities…