• inclusion
  • 76 Articoli
  • Identify the Educational design to Promote the inclusion of students with learning disabilities: The Teachers' point of view

    In recent years the school has been called to review the teaching strategies and methodologies used up to that point to respond to the educational needs of pupils with dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysorthography. The Law n. 170 of 2010 and the related guidelines have provided teachers with a series of…


    The interactive and digital box for study management: an innovative and inclusive teaching tool for students with Special Educational Needs

    Knowing how to manage one's own study and the ability to acquire an effective study method are the basis for achieving educational success for each student, in particular for students with Special Educational Needs. The role of the teacher becomes fundamental in developing methodologies and tools…


    Study skills, cognitive styles and emotional-motivational components of learning for inclusive programming: evaluations from the administration of AMOS test

    The article illustrates an experience exploring students' study skills, cognitive styles and emotional aspects in a classroom with Specific Learning Disorders (SLDs) to raise awareness and identify strategies to improve their learning process. The methodological approach combines quantitative and…


    Supporting the accessibility of educational services 0-6: good practices to promote educational continuity between school and family

    This paper aims to provide a reflection on accessibility and continuity in education as key elements in supporting Integrated System implementation processes, leveraging the support of interprofessional pathways and fostering family participation. International research, reports and national laws…


    Fostering the quality of inclusion in early childhood education services. Methodological insights from an ecosystemic perspective

    The integrated system for early childhood education from 0 to 6 years, an educational ecosystem interconnected with the local area and its policies, aims to guarantee all children equal opportunities to develop their potential by strengthening alliances with families and networking with all…


    Assistive technologies for disability. From prosthetic assistance to the promotion of skills and inclusion. What role can the disability manager play?

    To date, WHO estimates that more than one billion people need assistive technology, but that only 10% of them have access to it. The article aims to analyze the current model of territorial prosthe-tic assistance, highlighting all the epistemological-cultural and practical difficulties that the…


    Inclusion, school and society

    The article starts from some solicitations of Pope Francis regarding the urgency of a new ecological thought, which permeates culture and education tout court, and of a new vision of the human person that is characterized by its tension to recognize in the "other" a brother. In particular, it…


    Analysis and documentation of facilitators and barriers at school: an analysis model from an ICF perspective

    From an ICF perspective, observing facilitators and barriers is a fundamental step in building inclusive school settings. This article proposes a model of analysis and documentation, based on general levels (the school, organization, resources and services) and specific levels (the classroom,…


    Coronavirus: the chance of inclusive teacher

    The objective of this article is to identify the indispensable and qualifying element of inclusive practices, long in the educational and scholastic vocabulary, but made dramatically prioritized by the pandemic: the inclusive attitude of the teacher. This objective requires the rethinking and…


    The relational aspect of the school-family relationship at the time of Covid-19: a reflection in terms of inclusion of students with disabilities

    This article describes the results of a research that involved 814 school operators on the inclusive processes activated in the school during the lockdown. The survey, conducted through the administration of a questionnaire, was aimed at understanding if and how much DaD has succeeded in ensuring…


    Promoting inclusion through “distance contact”: the Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow project during health emergency

    The national health emergency, caused by the spread of Covid-19, involved the school system and required an effort to the school-family alliance and to institutions in order to promote e-learning. The paper describes strategies adopted to reschedule an educational project for primary schools,…


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