The national health emergency, caused by the spread of
Covid-19, involved the school system and required an effort to the
school-family alliance and to institutions in order to promote e-learning. The paper describes strategies adopted to reschedule an educational
project for primary schools, already tested as a pilot in 2019, in a e-learning
version. The project Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow aims to reduce ethnic prejudice
and promote anti-discrimination and inclusive practices through indirect
contact, empathy and perspective taking. It uses drawings by migrant children,
collected by the artist Bryan McCormack. Following the positive results of the
pilot, the project has expanded in 2020 involving 12 primary schools’
classrooms in Rome. In order to face Covid-19, the suspension of traditional
face-to-face didactic required an adjustment of the project in the e-learning
mode, as shown in the paper. The rescheduling process is described in the
paper, following the phases to define the educational setting, the strategies
and the methods and it also focused difficulties and resources.