The Invalsi Tests 2023: a secondary analysis for primary schools that suggests improvement actions


According to Scriven (2000), evaluation is “the process through which the value, merit, or significance of some entity are determined” (p. 39). In line with this definition, the paper talks about the quality evaluation of the Italian school system carried out, at the national level, through the administration of the Invalsi Tests (D.P.R. n. 80/2013). Specifically, we present a secondary analysis of the data relating to the latest survey carried out (Invalsi, 2023) to identify critical areas in the learning process of primary school students. Based on these findings, we propose valid improvement actions. At the same time, we aim to overcome the distrust and resistance of teachers towards these surveys, by making them aware of their potential value and of a possible profitable use (Trinchero, 2014).