University transition and discrimination in students with migrant backgrounds: guidance as a possible educational response


The scientific literature identifies discriminatory events experienced in the school environment as a possible hindering factor for the transition, success, and academic well-being of students with migrant backgrounds (Granata, 2011; Premoli, Pasta, 2015; Vaccarelli, 2015; Santagati, 2019). This element will be investigated through the concept of superdiversity (Vervotec, 2007; Zoletto, 2023), which suggests considering post-migrant students' access to tertiary education as an outcome of the intersection of multiple variables in specific spatial contexts and biographical moments (McCall, 2005; Valentine, 2007). In addition, an attempt will be made to outline how the educational practice of orientation (Guichard 2005; 2009; Savickas, 2005; 2010; Domenici, 2009; Biagioli, 2023) can foster the prevention and combating of discrimination for quality, equitable and inclusive education and equal educational opportunities for all (Tarozzi, 2015).