Financial education has acquired a new identity within the Italian school system. With Article 21, Measures on Financial Education, of the Government Bill No. 674 dated April 21, 2023, Interventions in support of capital competitiveness, its inclusion as a school discipline is established, albeit within Civic Education. This will inevitably require a new pedagogical design of the financial literacy curriculum at every level of education, making it consistent with other aspects of civic education while also aligned with the learning objectives outlined in the National Guidelines for the first and second cycles. While awaiting the release of the Guidelines, as announced in the same legislative act, there is an even greater need to guide teachers in acquiring the necessary economic and financial knowledge to design appropriate financial literacy programs. It is within this context that the pilot project for initial teacher training, developed within the internship of the Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education at the University of Molise, has been launched in the academic year 2022-2023, in collaboration with the Department of Consumer Protection and Financial Education of the Bank of Italy.