About art and wonder. Art education and education through art at school


Prolegomena: the pleasure principle in making art at school. The pedagogical debate that is taking place about this current topic, crucial but often overlooked, collects a multitude of stimuli. These stimuli have matured in the most disparate disciplinary fields of knowledge (neuroscience, philosophy, semiotics, sociology, psychology, etc.) and they led to the recognition of the educational value of the study and practice of the arts, also in the guidelines of European and national educational policies. How did this recognition penetrate our educational culture? What are the didactic implications? Is it possible to outline an educational model for the arts teaching at school that takes these stimuli into account? Starting from the results of a national research conducted on more than 28.000 projects carried out by schools with musical and /or theatrical education activities, we intend to provide some useful elements to answer the questions posed.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.14668/QTimes_13422