Digital and instructional design skills: teacher training proposals


Teachers’ professional growth and competences development have been at the center of national and international debate for several years. Numerous European documents have contributed to strengthening and spreading the culture of continuous training and the professional growth of teachers and school principals (Commissione della Comunità Europea, 2007; 2020; Cedefop, 2021). Cedefop (2021) has recently launched a survey on the role of digital skills whose aim is to measure the impact of the COVID-19 health emergency on the demand for digital competences required to professionals working in ICT and other fields. Despite these themes and areas of investigation are widely spread, a strong digital divide still persists. How do teachers perceive their digital and instructional design skills? Considering the re-design process of the courses during (and, hopefully, after) the emergency by teachers and the massive use of technologies, what kind of training is necessary to strengthen their digital and instructional design skills? Starting from these questions, the paper analyses some projects carried out among the initiatives for schools of the degree course in Digital Education at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. In the research process, we chose DigCompEdu (Digital Competence Framework for Educators) as a model for the definition of digital competences in Education.