Easy-to-Read as tool to promote inclusive processes. An exploratory research


Among many rights the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN, 2006) also guarantees the right to receive accessible information so that no one is excluded. Based on this principle, Inclusion Europe issued Guidelines in 2009 to ensure that information is written in a way that is easy to read (and understand) and is, therefore, accessible. This language is called Easy-to-read, translated in Italy as ‘lingua facile’ and/or ‘linguaggio facile da leggere e da capire’ and already existing in several other European countries (e.g. Germany, France and Spain). This paper intends to report the data emerged from a survey carried out with a group of future teachers and educators in order to understand whether and to what extent Easy-to-read language can act as a tool for the promotion of inclusive processes in educational environments.