Expectations and beliefs about professional identity: a study on teachers enrolled in TFA


The structuring of teachers' professional stance is a complex, dynamic, and collective process (Magnoler, 2017), influenced by various factors: initial and in-service training, beliefs within the school community (Lussi Borer et al., 2015), individual self-determination and intentionality, and reflective practices activated in the professional development journey (Pentucci, 2018). In this article, we will present the results of a survey conducted with 180 teachers enrolled in the seventh cycle of the TFA program. Starting from the teachers' motivation and expectations (Guerini, 2020; Pennazio & Bochicchio, 2021), we aimed to elicit their perceptions about the development of professional competencies (Perrenoud, 2002; Di Stasio et al., 2021) and the professional profile of the specialized teacher. A multidimensional perspective of the concept of profession emerges, encompassing both cognitive and pragmatic aspects, as well as affective and cultural aspects (Wittorski, 2005).