The contribution presents a study on the bio-psycho-social perspective of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) in the Italian school context. In fact, if the ICF instrument has been present in our country for almost twenty years, the complexity of its paradigm has not always facilitated teaching practices that take into account the ecological and contextual dimension. In particular, drafting of the functioning profile and the Individualized Educational Plan (IEP), if not adequately supported by reflective thinking of teaching staff, risks depleting the inclusive dimension of these documents. The ministerial models of the IEP, currently suspended by the ruling of the Regional Administrative Court, pay attention to these elements but still need frameworks and practices to be consolidated. The reflections presented are the result of a path shared with students of the course of Special Teaching and Planning of Educational Interventions of the Master Degree in Pedagogical Consulting and Coordination of Educational Interventions of the University of Perugia. The laboratory activity underlined the centrality of recovering the systematic observation and documentation in support of cultures and practices of recognition and enhancement.