Promoting the mastery of the Italian language in a plurilingual and intercultural perspective: the Erasmus ALTA project


The University of Basilicata has just started the ALTA project - Allophone Teacher Academy - which is the winning project of the call provided by the Erasmus+ Key Action 2 program, named Cooperation between organizations and institutions”. This project fits within the framework outlined by the Action Plan for Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027. One of its main objectives, is to train teacher, within the Erasmus Teacher Academies, to manage multicultural and multilingual classrooms by developing specific skills for addressing cultural, religious, and linguistic diversity within students. The essay is structured as follows: in the first section we describe the theoretical framework and in the second section, we analyze some of the products developed according to the ALTA protocol. These include the device for language comprehension MATERN-AILE, developed by Alain Bentolila within the Centre International de Formation et d’Outils à DEstination des Maîtres (CIFODEM) in Paris, partner of the project.