The contribution presented aims to give an account of a specific university experience, responding to the need for micro level analysis and proposing to enter the "black box" of a "class" inhabited by 40 students of the Master's Degree Course in Pedagogical Sciences. It also aims to share the development of individual and group socio-educational practices and relational styles. In the proposed case study (situated and contextual), through a qualitative methodological approach and in the light of the systemic-constructivist epistemology, we want to give back to the reader a good practice that, hopefully, can stimulate dense and fertile reflections in relation to the need to re-design the transition towards a new didactic "normality", necessarily blended. Through the analysis of the contents produced and shared in the forum environment of the course and through the use of memos that enhance the reflective value of the pedagogist-educator-teacher, a grounded, operational and evocative reading is proposed.