The combination of disability and sexuality is a topic which still deserves deep analysis within the special-pedagogical research field, still dealing with taboos and prejudices. Teachers may promote a new culture of sexuality (within and with disability), only if they are seriously trained to handle this topic. On this background, the research aims at promoting a pedagogical debate on sexual education through an explorative study based on opinions and experiences of special needs teachers being trained at the Università degli Studi di Roma Foro Italico (attending the 6th CYCLE of the Specialisation Course for Teaching Support). To this purpose, 197 pre-service teachers have been involved and asked to fill in a Survey on “Sexuality and “Disability”. The analysis of the collected data led to the development of an hypothetical training module project for pre-service and in-service teachers. School, being a workshop for the construction of identity and emancipation processes, can no longer ignore this dimension in terms of raising awareness, training and overcoming prejudices.