Today’s sociocultural complexity urges pedagogical research to reflect on new educational and training needs to support the education of new generations, to make humanity flourish. Specifically, a contribution to the critical examination comes from the World Bank report “Achieving gender equality in education: examining progress and constraints”, published in november 2023. It underlines the fundamental role assumed by schools in serving young people in development of individual potential, for active participation in the building of societies in the perspective of the common good. This contribution questions, by investigating some theoretical assumptions of the report, the need to rethink educational practices to improve the quality of education, combat the different forms of social inequalities and promote gender equality in a renewed human cohesion and social. The affirmation of different individualities, with a view to equal opportunities, challenges the epistemological discourse of pedagogy in redefining new horizons of thought and action to govern the educational emergencies of contemporary times. An educational challenge that takes the form of designing training courses, paths of humanity and social justice for the construction of democratic citizenship which has its foundations in respect for the rights of others, in the culture of dialogue and solidarity.