The assurance of quality of teaching and teacher training are complex issues and strategic objectives that the European Union supports. This focus reflects the need to ensure appropriate initial and in progress professional development education, although the training model is a major diversity of educational policies between countries. So there is a need to propose a framework of knowledges and skills shared between national policies. Therefore, in accordance with European guidelines, the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) has described the objectives of the initial teacher education and it has enabled the courses of Tirocinio Formativo Attivo (TFA). This paper analyzes the complex issue of the initial teacher education, enrolled in the second cycle of pedagogical courses TFA in 2014-15 (Sapienza, University of Rome), with special attention to the use of digital tools such as support for construction of an evaluation knowledge. The goal is to deepen evaluation problems reported by TFA students with different tertiary education, to adapt the initial teacher training to the needs of the individual, using a traditional training approach (classroom lessons) and activities of online platforms (PRO.VA and Moodle). So the data of participation in virtual laboratory for the construction of tests and discussion on the issues of the evaluation are presented and discussed.