This contribution presents an experience conducted during the Coronavirus -COVID19 pandemic to investigate students' emotional distress. The typology of this discomfort is located within emotional poverty, which has its roots in the absence of equity and social justice, to which difficulties linked to the cultural background of the individual students are also added. The emergency situation forced the educational institution to experience situations of logistical, but above all psychological, precariousness and produced a condition of emotional-existential crisis in many students of the 15/18 age group. An online creative writing laboratory was created in a secondary school to support students' personal power and empowerment, with the aim to increase their resilience and reworking skills creatively in this new reality, not as a threat, withdrawal or escape, but as a symbolic opening to the other. Within an effective educational relationship, the students had the opportunity to write and communicate about their experiences and thoughts, to maintain a positive image of themselves and to transform adverse circumstances into new existential opportunities and challenges.