This contribution moves from a transfeminist perspective to read and deconstruct hate speech and its repercussions in the educational field from a pedagogical and intersectional point of view (Crenshaw, 1991; Faloppa 2020; Pasta 2021). In response to a real "hate teaching", fueled by a unique narrative that "absolutizes and freezes differences" denying their social, situated and transformative dimension (Tramma, Brambilla, 2019), some workshop experiences and training courses, carried out in formal and informal contexts through the privileged tool of picturebook (Fierli et. al., 2015) are presented here. On the one hand, a work aimed at primary and lower secondary schools, which puts words to hurt at the centre, problematises them, classifies them (De Mauro, 2016), explaining the hierarchies of power, on the other a comparison between the figures educating adults, to start again from the care of words (Bellemo, 2023) and the mutual listening (Amadini, 2020).