Mariolina Ciarnella, Nicola Santangelo Mariolina Ciarnella è Presidente IRASE nazionale; Nicola Santangelo è professore a contratto, Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale

Enhancement of skills and prevention of early school leaving: the instrumental function of didactic action in the school of complexity

The paper examines the main causes of educational poverty (economic crisis, inadequate redistribution of wealth, quality of education and training, personal choices); the social effects that can derive from the emulation of models in which the logic of “everything and now” prevails and the role…


The role of the teacher in distance learning, between covid-19 emergency, new learning environments and opportunities for educational innovation

The paper examines the impact of web-mediated communication on teaching, with particular reference to the dematerialization of the learning environment. The educational environment is analyzed from the psycho-pedagogical point of view in its meaning of “place of training”, part of the didactic…


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