Recent studies indicate that students with specific learning disorders (dyslexia, dysorthography, etc.) often face particular barriers in learning foreign languages (Long et al., 2023; Tanabe, 2021; Danielli & Perrucci, 2020) that rely heavily on complex reading and decoding capabilities. For these cases, the task of teachers is to create learning situations based on a pedagogical liturgy (type of friend to be placed alongside the student, reduction of inequalities, promotion of diversity and other values, type of relationship with any virtual buddies), capable of raising the quality of teaching action and facilitating learning (Traversetti & Rizzo, 2022). The contribution reports the salient points of a buddy system experience between a student with SLD and his classmate, in a class of a classical high school in the province of Taranto. In the first part, the learning differences between the two classmates are described before adopting this strategy. In the second, we try to highlight the prerequisites for proposing a buddy system action, the perception of how the disorder is experienced by both students separately and in pairs, the feelings that dwell in them during the performance of the task, how the pair of students promotes inclusion, and the effects that this strategy produces in class dynamics, with regard to the value and enabling dimension, and with respect to the request of the Latin and Greek teacher to elaborate a cognitive artifact in the Greek language.