Studi e contributi di ricerca

The cooperation council as a tool for managing conflict and improving prosocial behaviour and classroom climate: an empirical study in primary school

Conflict is an inevitable aspect of human experience, but it can become an opportunity for growth and personal development if managed constructively. This article explores the effectiveness of the cooperation council, a pedagogical tool proposed by Célestin Freinet and adapted by Danielle Jasmin,…


Educating in an Uncertain World. An exploratory research with teenagers on the value of uncertainty in education through the practice of Philosophy for/with children

Through learning environments such as the Philosophy for/with Children´s (P4wC) methodology, young people share a common philosophical issue and face a collective path of research towards a(some) possible answer(s). The article introduces the P4wC framework, linked to the studies of uncertainty in…


Performance vs Participation? Integrating AAC in ABA interventions for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. A longitudinal study

This study explores the integration of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) in the treatment of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The primary objective is to evaluate whether a combined approach can improve both communication skills and…


Educational 360-degree virtual tours: engaging students in a multidisciplinary workshop with a team-based approach to teaching and learning

The study is framed in a case-study qualitative approach with the aim to describe and analyse the multidisciplinary team-teaching impact on university students of Education Science degree course involved in a hands-on workshop conducted in the academic year 2023-2024 by three professors…


The assessment of personal, social and learning to learn key-competence according to the European Lifecomp Framework: the Lifecomp Questionnaire pilot study

This study aims to describe the pilot study of three questionnaire aimed at assessing the fifth key competence: Personal, Social and Learning to Learn. The questionnaires refer to the three areas of the European Lifecomp Framework; each instrument therefore estimates the perceived mastery of 3…


Prevent discrimination and gender violence through education. Analysis and proposal from the European project FREASCO - Free from sexism and sexual harassment at school

This article analyses the results of a comparative survey carried out within the European project FREASCO - Free from sexism and sex harassment at school - on the awareness that male and female students at schools and universities have on gender stereotypes, sexism and the forms of discrimination…


A new skill for civic education: financial literacy

Financial education has acquired a new identity within the Italian school system. With Article 21, Measures on Financial Education, of the Government Bill No. 674 dated April 21, 2023, Interventions in support of capital competitiveness, its inclusion as a school discipline is established, albeit…


Become a teacher of support and prosocial behavior

What motivates an individual to dedicate themselves to the inclusion of pupils with disabilities? The answer may lie in the level of prosociality that an individual possesses, since prosocial behaviors, for both evolutionary and learning theories, are understood as acts that generate benefits for…


Critical aspects in establishing early childhood hubs in Italy: a comparative analysis of regional implementation models and a systematic qualitative review

Within the Italian ECEC system, early childhood hubs represent an innovative policy tool. Curricular guidelines define them as “hosting educational services of several types and preschool sections within the same premises or nearby”. Scope of this study is a national exploration on their…


Playing in the classroom. Italian teachers' acceptance of Game-Based Learning: definition of the instrument and research outcomes

The growing awareness that games can be a very valuable learning environment has not been accompanied by an effective diffusion of games in Italian schools. From primary school to university, an ambivalent behaviour is manifested: its widespread appreciation is contrasted with a limited application,…


The 10 commandments of neurodiversity pedagogy: ethical principles, strategies and suggestions for teachers to promote the coexistence of differences in educational contexts

Neurodiversity pedagogy recognizes and enhances, on an educational level and from an inclusive perspective, individuals' different cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning modes, considering neurodiversity as a natural manifestation of human biodiversity. The general purpose of the…


Attitudine musicale e bisogni educativi speciali nella scuola dell’infanzia inclusiva. Dati da una ricerca nazionale

In Italian preschools, children with special educational needs are constantly increasing. If appropriate educational activities aren't proposed, children will not acquire the prerequisites that are essential to face successfully the teaching of reading and writing in elementary school. Currently,…


Inclusive teaching practices and assessment methods for students with Specific Learning Disorders: a survey with primary school teachers

The implementing decree of Law 170 /2010 gives the national education system the task of drawing up Personalised Learning Plans (PDP), identifying appropriate educational and teaching strategies and assessment methods for students with Specific Learning Disorders, to ensure educational success and…


Research on inclusive teaching as a bridge between theory and practice: an exploratory survey of support teachers in training at the University of Foggia

This paper explores the fundamental contribution of scientific research in improving and informing instructional practice, with a focus on its application in heterogeneous classrooms. Through a critical review of the existing literature, the paper highlights how scientific research provides…


The Voice of Students with Specific Learning Disabilities in Two Italian Universities: Results of an Exploratory Study

Following the enactment of Law 170/2010, Italian universities have witnessed a substantial increase in the number of students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLDs). This exploratory study employed a mixed-methods approach to assess the use and perceived effectiveness of various educational…


Identify the Educational design to Promote the inclusion of students with learning disabilities: The Teachers' point of view

In recent years the school has been called to review the teaching strategies and methodologies used up to that point to respond to the educational needs of pupils with dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysorthography. The Law n. 170 of 2010 and the related guidelines have provided teachers with a series of…


The interactive and digital box for study management: an innovative and inclusive teaching tool for students with Special Educational Needs

Knowing how to manage one's own study and the ability to acquire an effective study method are the basis for achieving educational success for each student, in particular for students with Special Educational Needs. The role of the teacher becomes fundamental in developing methodologies and tools…


Study skills, cognitive styles and emotional-motivational components of learning for inclusive programming: evaluations from the administration of AMOS test

The article illustrates an experience exploring students' study skills, cognitive styles and emotional aspects in a classroom with Specific Learning Disorders (SLDs) to raise awareness and identify strategies to improve their learning process. The methodological approach combines quantitative and…


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