Mobbing concerns a work situation in which the worker is the victim of persecutory actions by one or more attackers who may find themselves in positions of superiority, inferiority or equality. The actions are very heterogeneous and range from simple marginalization to the assignment of…
In a globalized world characterized by great migrations (Castle, 1993), by evident and unresolved social, political, economic and environmental issues that have generated a great uncertainty in the labor market, the vocational guidance practices of Third country national citizens in Europe,…
In the current geo-political scenario, at national and international level, germs of violence, conflict and prevarication creep into the micro and macro cosmos of relationships. In this general climate of fear and mistrust, it is urgent to return to talking about hospitality and hospitality so that…
In the light of the situation of the Italians in the field of reading in the European scenario and of the national guidelines for the curriculum, the importance of the “reading aloud" is reflected and indications are given as to the most appropriate places and times to practice shared reading in…
The complexity of the times we live leads us to develop autonomy, potential, skills and competences to continually build our identity, knowledge and relationships, to reach the highest level of meta-competence; therefore the deep knowledge of the processes of introspection and relative reaction. In…
This article analyses the interactions between labour-market dynamics, education and lifelong-learning policies, by examining the principal changes in the economic system and in the strategic role of education in today’s knowledge society, in relation to critical global-scenario issues, like the…
Reading stories to preschool children in the family and offering them quality books lays a solid foundation for reading promotion. For this reason, the article aims to highlight how the family can and should be the privileged place to learn and to refine the level of emotional literacy and the…
Leaders who choose the style of transformational leadership act on group members by changing their values, needs and beliefs through consensus and participation in achieving goals. In managing occupational health and safety, transformational leaders can be of fundamental importance as they can:…
School evaluation aims at monitoring or improving the quality of the school as a whole. In order to guarantee the quality of the Education and Training system it is not enough to define and control the starting standards, but it is crucial to explain and verify the arrival standards. In such a…
The contribute offer a reflection about education’s meaning and invite us to recover the value of instruction and formation for the purpose of human realization. Only through education the individual can to rehabilitate the thought’s liberty, idea’s strength, his creative capacity and express…
In this article, mainly referring to two authors (F.Covey and A. Grün), "I reflect aloud" on what can be the references for a Leader who does not drive, and therefore is not guided, only by following the business logic or even more simply the company logic. A leader who, although responsibly…
The culture of risk is the product of social organization, and therefore of the underlying relation-ships. Fatalism, individualism, marginalization are just some of the attitudes that individuals have towards risk. Ulrich Beck (2013) deals with the issue of risk communities, that is, groups of…
The relationship between the individual and the organization in the productive sphere express a very high level of complexity, in many respects superior to that relating to the multidimensional relationship between the individual and society. In fact, the impact that the work organization, with its…
For just over five years, even in our country, under the pressure of supranational public debate, there has been much talk about “social innovation”, without it being always clear what is meant by this definition. Therefore, the objective of this brief reflection is to circumscribe the meaning…
We consider three perspectives in determing the number of persons involved in the so called "Hensel twins", a case of adult conjoined twins: 1. the materialistic perspective establishes the equivalence between the number of brains and the number of persons involved. A body having two brains is…
The dual system work-based learning (WBL) allows the students to realize part of their formative curriculum in working contexts, turning the model of tied up learning to a single disciplines into a different model that recognizes the value of the informal and not formal learnings in terms of…
The problem of evaluation is an old problem, because every time we take initiatives to achieve a training objective, we also feel the need to check if the objectives are achievable. Evaluation processes today use new technologies that are able to meet this need, but it is also necessary to give the…
The main object philosophy deals with from its beginning is being. Human being, because of his peculiar connection with being, is characterized by an endless deside that cannot properly be fullfilled. Consciousness is indeed twofold, being composed by 1) its formal comprehension of being…
Today, training is considered one of the fundamental interventions to improve the perception of occupational risk and to help develop and sediment culture on occupational safety. With regard to occupational safety, a timely analysis of the training needs must take note of the risk assessment carried…
The today’s challenge by the organizations of the public health service is perhaps basically constituted by the need to develop an individual and collective more professional empreneurship capable of urge internal and external resources through a specific and well-defined strategic orientation,…
Thanks to the tumultuous digital technologies development, nowadays we live in a world without boundaries, characterized by liquid communities that meet and collide, sometimes denying mutual recognition. We move in a communicative bulimia where information runs like in a circus where the sense and…
Questo periodo storico si presenta come uno dei più duri. I prodotti più evidenti della crisi sono chiaramente le condizioni d’instabilità, incertezza e precarietà economica, che incidono profondamente anche sullo stato sociale, educativo e culturale. Il futuro prossimo non sembra capace di…
It has been 13 years since the European Year of Citizenship Through Education. The need of the role of the education relating to European Union’s issues is now clearer and clearer. Indeed, even though the Treaties define every inhabitant of the Member States as “citizen” and give him or her…
Rethinking the role of educator in formal and non-formal educational context: this is the objective of the article. In the reflection we remember the Law 205 (c. 594-601) that regulates the profession. To recognize the value of the educator, we recall the studies of John Dewey, Maria Montessori,…
From some years burnout seems to have an increasing escalation among teachers, with serious consequences both for the person that lives the uneasiness and for the organization school and for the students. Burnout is not therefore a problem of the single teacher, on which to act individually; it asks…
The aim of the following work is to analyze an effective method for managing the growing issues at the infant and adolescent level. The "Making Stories" method will be described, implemented by the Institute of Group Research and Generational Psychology (IRG) of Lugano, founded by Marcoli Ferruccio.
In the present article, we will be focusing on the possible scenarios that could raise from the analysis of the anencephalic newborn as organ donor. These scenarios are as follows: 1) organ donation is banned; 2) organ donation is possibile according to the brain death criterion; 3) in order to…
L’orientamento tradizionale non rappresenta più lo strumento idoneo a gestire la transizione “sempre più critica” tra scuola, formazione e lavoro, ma deve essere integrato da una nuova impostazione capace di creare valore permanente nella vita di ogni giovane studente, garantendone lo…
La dispersione scolastica e lo skills mismatch tra competenze richieste e disponibili, nonostante la diminuzione degli ultimi anni, costituiscono ancora un grave problema per il nostro Paese, con ricadute sui percorsi personali e sul sistema socio-economico. Partendo da un recente articolo, che…
Educational agencies are going through a difficult transition period that is having important consequences in terms of de-legitimation of the social mandate historically assigned to school. The reason of this widespread uneasiness is due to the fact that today we are living in a complex system where…
Italian Universities, under some social, cultural and economic pressures, have been called to change the institutional action adding to the two traditional missions, on the one hand the Didactics for a qualified training and on the other the Research, a new objective (called "Third Mission") aimed…
Every organization shall check an activity list in order to make profit; each activity is itself depending on a series of bonds (technology, assets, human resources, infrastructures...). In-business Learning is an essential bond: without it business process could even decade till complete breakout.…
What means ‘key competences’ and why developing them is so important in today's society? This paper focuses on three aspects of 21st century school: the importance of competences in information society, the definition in international frameworks for key competences and new approaches in teaching…
After a quick analysis of the normative evolution of the skill's concept, the essay focuses on the introduction of compulsory certification of skills; then it analyses the development, first doctrinal and then legislative, of the authentic performance concept or real life tasks; furthermore, it…
The success factors of any policy on Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) depend on the effectiveness and efficiency of the communication channels and tools used to achieve all the stakeholders. Today even in OSH sector the new communication channels such as Internet, online applications and social…
The paper come out from a series of thoughts tending to go along the path of some of the principal problems of the relationship with the Other (in particular, ”the Stranger-Other”), the kind of relationship that today, in a territory of globalized societies and actually always more multiethnic…
Deciding to work illegally today, regardless of whether it's the only choice or a personal choice, it means condemn oneself and become trapped in an enclosed scheme, which hinders progress and personal development. But the black economy has a strong impact on the lives of others: the community and…
The Italian educational system since the seventies became a women's world, both for the massive presence of girls in all levels of schooling, both for a teaching staff composed mainly of women, so that in some scope men have become one real “rarity”. The feminine school and university education…
70 years ago, on the 2nd of June 1946, the Italian Republic raised with an institutional referendum. Moreover, a constituent assembly was elected to write the Constitution of a new democratic and social State, not more mono-gender and mono-class. The Constitution was approved on the December 1947…
In this paper we are trying to find an answer to the following questions: why the topic of quality was introduced with increasing force in the education system? Which are the reasons that allowed the transition of the quality concept from the economics and social organization language to pedagogic…
People build themselves in their life, in relationships, in inputs and in requests they get. Everyone’s life is marked by encounters, stories and experiences shared through emotions and languages, signs and phenomena that require sensitivity and communicative and relational skills to be got. These…
Charles Taylor’s intercultural theories, characterized by socio historical paths of continuity and break with tradition, by acknowledgement of identity and interculture, as well as by needs of differentiation, survival of identity meaning and cultural transposition, have largely inspired the…
A profound change is needed in Education as response to demands set by 21st century competences. Due to these modifications, new opportunities arise for remodeling pedagogy too, for instance providing new ways of considering learning, i. e. the acquisition of new kinds of literacy, namely…
This article intends to analyze the reforms in recent years in regards to the Italian education system, taking into account the role of the head teacher and newly assigned responsibilities in merit of questions of particular relevancy to the life of the scholastic institution. In the framework of…
Among the many reflections on multiple levels involving educational agencies grappling with the challenges of the digital age, our contribution wishes to deepen the controversial issue of ethics of social media, and the role that the education system is called to play in terms of accompanying and…
Game-based learning has a well-established tradition at the nursery and primary schools. Traditionally, however, in the upper school levels - and even more in adult education -, there is a split between educational and recreational activities, the latter being addressed mainly to pure entertainment,…
The training citizenship plays an unavoidable role in the field of education and leads to a strict comparison between new challenges of globalization and migration and on the other hand the crisis of the nation-states and its traditional patterns. The values of the peace and cultural diversity must…
The dramatic chain died at work inevitably leads to a deep reflection and attracts more and more to the inevitable acceptance of responsibility and the necessary commitment and constructive synergy between the various actors in the world to launch a widespread information activities, that combined…
The 2020 European strategy aims to a smart growth, through more effective investments in education, research and innovation fields. In particular, smart growth means improving the following areas of assistance: - education encouraging people to learn, study and update their skills; -…
This paper introduces the complex relationship among technology-school-society as framework of the discourses, processes and policies of the daily practices of schooling. Nowadays, we live in an interconnected digital ecosystem that represents a powerful architecture for user participation, posing…
To stimulate processes of change into the P.A., a precise and carefully explained reference is made today to the absolute importance for the public administrations of the promotion of know-how development by means of the creation, valorisation and sharing a common cultural meaning by the…
Trans-media is the new configuration of behavioral and cultural dynamics to transmit knowledge, tell stories, share ideas and experiences, promote diverse kinds of entertainment through more digital platforms. Hence, it is going to become a new form of social and cultural capital. The implications…
Despite a long history of research and debate, currently there is still no universally accepted definition of “creative intelligence”. The word “intelligence” derives from the Latin noun intelligentĭa, which comes from the verb intelligĕre. According to some specialists, intelligĕre is a…
The involvement of teachers in training is essential to produce an expansion of their professionalism and an improvement of the education service. Give suggestions, requests to change the existing instruments is a delicate operation, because it does not impact only on the cognitive dimension of…
“To learn”, in the contemporaneous society, is even more an integrated and ubiquitous process (Schlemmer et alii, 2009). The learning processes are today frequently developed with in-distance methodologies, using digital technologies, social networks (Massarotto, 2011), simulations and…
In the twenty-first century italian universities are called to face up to new social and economic challenges, connected to the globalization, to the technological progress in production processes and the profound transformations of organizations. These developments affect the education system and…
The complexity of the educational process can be noticed in the facts and in the acts that make reality become plural and multiform and represents different contexts, experiences, stories, reflections, subjectivity and objectivity, universality and particularity. These aspects have to be understood…
For several years, web technologies are used in education not only in e-learning, but also as a form of Experiential Learning to be implemented in virtual contexts. Specifically, the student is advocated to confront the building of knowledge actually similar to that developed through the classroom…
It is now nearly four years since the so-called "year of the MOOC", 2012; and is good to return on an issue which remains still hot. In good conscience, the expected tsunami in higher education seems to turn into a case less "disruptive" than it was painted at the time, but certainly worthy of…
At an educational level, technology and the digital gap are indeed a moving target. On the one hand, it is commonly regarded as vital to have access to and participate in information society. On the other hand, the mutable nature of the field and its derived problems prompt educational systems to…
The contribution proposes a terminology and educational analysis of person, not as a biological being, but as a complex, emotional, happy, and resilient. So starting from the epistemological position of human beings, according to educational theories, the complexity of emotion and in synergy with…
The issue of safety is of crucial importance today because of the number of dead white. Occur annually in Italy over 1,000,000 work accidents, more than 1,200 deaths. The New Consolidated Safety at Work (Decree 81 of 2008) brings together in a single text much of the previous legislation on safety…
In today's technologically advanced scenarios the e-learning takes a strategic relevance due to expansion on networks. The present paper describes the evolution of e-learning in recent years thanks to the development of new media and describe the new version of the e-learning environments make…
This article discusses the enhancement of the environmental awareness, considered as an important step in the promotion of respect for human beings and for nature. Many aspects are important in this perspective: sensibility in comprehending problems, and caring thinking (Lipman) oriented towards…
In order to study, teach and write the history of the XX Century the use of audiovisual sources is critically important. Documentaries and fictions are essential in the reconstruction of the economical, social, political and cultural dynamics of the XX Century. Indeed, cinema has been defined as the…
The diffusion of open education is well represented by the ever-increasing free availability on the web of open educational resources and practices, without any restrictions on their use and reuse. In this paper, after a brief introduction on related literature of Open learning, we’ll examine MOOC…
To ensure an equal and a quality education has become one of the key objectives of the European Commission’s strategic framework for cooperation in education and training (ET 2020). In this policy context, is important examines fundamental aspects of school and working conditions. Educators have…
Simulation games for learning geometry are learning environments purposely designed, and are being experimented within a research project, that has been demonstrating their effectiveness. They offer a different learning and teaching system, that opens interesting spaces to be explored relating the…
Report “The Good School” has achieved the goal of bringing the school of the future at the center of public debate. In this new scenario, to avoid launching too ambitious, threatening to fragment and disperse energy, it is possible to identify three strategic actions, towards which to direct all…
The didactic transposition transform disciplinary contents to define the curricula of the corresponding disciplines "of school", through a process with a sequence of almost linear knowledges logically and epistemologically organized in the written text of the programs and textbooks. In this paper,…
«Everyone – observes Herder – is a universe in which unknown inner strengths sleep in the shadow like kings never born». In our subjectivity there are great potentialities that we can not express during our life: these potentialities remains in the «dark side» of our shadow. According to…
The paper explores the topics of new media and their influence towards new forms of socialization that generate new knowledge and new learning ability. The new media have changed the relations between human beings in all areas of society, and this is because they are able, thanks to new forms of…
Today the use of technology is characteristic element of our lives, thanks to this our potential is significantly increased in every daily activity. With the use of Internet, for example, we have the ability to locate information in countless times much shorter. The advantages offered by the…
Cooperation between family and school is an important factor in promoting students success in learning and person's overall formation. Due to this, it is necessary to promote reflection on the reasons often hinder the establishment of a constructive dialogue between these two educational agencies.
The concepts of learning outcomes and outcome-based education are relevant for qualification and quality system development. These notions have features in common with the instructional objective movement, very popular in the 1960s, but recently the focus of the scientific debate on education…
There-appropriation of meta-reflexive and narrative skills is a strategic imperative in order to be able to deal with awareness with the challenge of post-modernity , by getting used to rethink-ing one´s existential trajectories in the light of the past experiences and of the opportunities of the…
The social system is profoundly changed, producing important consequences both in the school, and in our "communities." The concept of community is polysemic and various, depending on the perspective from which we study it. So, this essay focuses on the nature of the school as educational community.…
La riflessione sui compiti educativi non può ignorare le trasformazioni in atto, cambiamenti che accomunano e avvicinano contenuti, metodi e linguaggi che concorrono a definire lo statuto epistemologico di ogni disciplina. Anche la pedagogia avverte la necessità di ridefinire costantemente i suoi…
The paper explores the topics of new media and their influence towards new forms of socialization that generate new knowledge and new learning ability. The new media have changed the relations between human beings in all areas of society, and this is because they are able, thanks to new forms of…
The process of school orientation is a central theme in our post-industrial society. There is an increased need to find new strategy to orient ourselves. In this way, the school and the persons engaged in orientation process must find articulated and complex strategies. In this paper we will try to…
La formazione viene riconosciuta come un bene primario poiché è di ausilio ai soggetti al fine di metterli nelle condizioni di saper governare i cambiamenti continui dominanti nell’attuale società della conoscenza in cui la competizione ha acquisito un elevato livello in tutti i campi, da…
The notion of education is linked to the acquisition of the alphabets needed to communicate, produce and be able to reflect on knowledge, but is also closely linked to the ability of each person to be able to combine, in a creative way, the alphabets acquired as well as to rework them in order to…
In contemporary time, the continuous research about a possible theory approach for helped the learning activity, and associable to the use of electronics technologies is frequently the focus of a educative researches and questions. Dewey whit your pragmatism has modeled the educational objects on…
Il repentino sviluppo degli ultimi anni dei social network ha avuto come diretta conseguenza un cambiamento radicale delle modalità stesse di utilizzo della rete da parte di tutti coloro che in essa hanno riconosciuto un ambiente “da abitare” e che, nel corso del tempo hanno cercato strategie…
Portare a compimento con successo un percorso di apprendimento attraverso uno studio efficace, e per ciò stesso soddisfacente, è al tempo stesso un obiettivo, un'aspettativa e un desiderio di tutti gli attori che direttamente e indirettamente partecipano al processo d'istruzione e di formazione,…
Con l’avanzare prepotente della tecnologia, sia nelle abitudini quotidiane di vita, tanto quanto “nell’azione didattica” a scuola, sembra utile iniziare a parlare di un nuovo concetto: quello di “saggezza digitale”, proposto e corroborato nelle recenti ricerche dello studioso americano,…
Nell’affrontare la problematica relativa alle tecnologie dell’informazione e delle comunicazioni (TIC), è prioritariamente e scientificamente importante riuscire ad individuare, all’interno delle molteplici attività sviluppate in modalità e-learning, dei criteri guida e dei modelli…
L’articolo esplora i processi organizzativi e gli strumenti che concorrono alla trasformazione della conoscenza personale in conoscenza sociale, attraverso lo sviluppo di Comunità di Pratica professionali. In particolare il saggio approfondisce il ruolo assunto dalle nuove tecnologie nei processi…
La motivazione può avere molteplici riscontri, in quanto «processo multifattoriale» nel quale entrano in gioco diversi aspetti correlati tra loro in modo continuo e dinamico: a) aspetti cognitivi, come l'uso di differenti strategie di apprendimento; b) aspetti metacognitivi, cioè la capacità…
In data 2 agosto 2013 è stato varato il decreto legge “Valore Cultura”, un vasto pacchetto di misure-quadro su archeologia, musei, cinema, fondazioni liriche, occupazione giovanile. La cultura rappresenta sicuramente la carta vincente di ogni popolo e gestirla come monito per far crescere e…
Il termine “creatività” indica l'arte o la capacità cognitiva della mente di creare e inventare; tuttavia, esso può prestarsi a numerose interpretazioni e significati. Il verbo italiano “creare”, al quale il sostantivo “creatività” rimanda, deriva dal “creare” latino, che…
This paper explores the epistemological foundations which render the analysis of teaching practices into a procedure of cognitive research, a training modality based on reflective thought.
Con la definizione Disturbi evolutivi Specifici di Apprendimento (convenzionalmente indicati con l’acronimo DSA) ci si riferisce ai soli disturbi delle abilità scolastiche, e in particolare alla dislessia, alla disortografia, alla disgrafia e alla discalculia. I disturbi riconosciuti dalla…
L’epoca della multimedialità si è contraddistinta per il passaggio dalla fase dell’attualizzazione in cui si cercava di dare soluzione ai problemi con delle risposte consolidate a quelle della virtualizzazione, in cui la risoluzione dei problemi viene cercata spostando l’orizzonte delle…
The ICTs, and the network environments that are affecting most of the forms of social relations and knowledge sharing, are powerful architectures for the participation of users, posing new challenges to education systems. Technology is only a variable among many others: it is certainly an empowering…
L’articolo analizza in profondità il vissuto emotivo della coppia genitoriale e del sistema familiare allargato coinvolto nella nascita di un bambino in situazione di disabilità. L’obiettivo è tracciare percorsi di accompagnamento virtuosi che coinvolgano i profes-sionisti della relazione…
L’empatia è una condizione necessaria in un qualsiasi rapporto “umanamente significativo”, intendendo per questo una relazione che sia in grado di fornire un feedback positivo per ogni componente nel momento del confronto con l’Altro. Questa caratteristica, è sicuramente prerogativa…
La comprensione della lettura è un processo oggetto di studio da diversi anni e rispetto al quale molteplici sono i tentativi di farne un modello di riferimento sopratutto per gli insegnanti. Gli studi presenti in letteratura sull’argomento differiscono molto tra loro a seconda dell’approccio …