Studi e contributi di ricerca

Sexuality & disability: an exploratory study

The combination of disability and sexuality is a topic which still deserves deep analysis within the special-pedagogical research field, still dealing with taboos and prejudices. Teachers may promote a new culture of sexuality (within and with disability), only if they are seriously trained to…


Industry 4.0 and occupational safety and health: a model for analysing organisational resilience in the use of collaborative robots

The implementation of advanced manufacturing solutions in companies makes possible to improve the productivity, quality and production flexibility introducing new types of human-machine interactions that require appropriate assessment from an occupational health and safety perspective. In this…


Research trends in Educational Neuroscience: Textual Analysis and mapping of the latest scholarly publications

Despite the existing debate about the potential critical issues in translating neuroscientific findings into effective educational practices, Educational Neuroscience (EN) could be defined as an interdisciplinary field involving different perspectives and research areas in in constantly developing.…


Pedagogical territorial coordination: a qualitative systematic review and a comparative analysis of regional implementation models

Within the institution of the integrated Italian Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) system for children aged 0-6, a central aspect is the quality of services, besides their quantity. Legislative Decree 65/2017 provides for the establishment of Pedagogical Territorial Coordination groups…


Designing a graphic-music alphabet as a possible tool to promote reading skills in students at risk of dyslexia in primary school

Educational intervention by means of music implies improvements in language and sound recognition related to a certain letter, as the musical sound can support the written symbol. The auditory stimulation resulting from listening is a mechanism through which the child can therefore improve in letter…


When digital educational poverty and educational poverty do not coincide: socio-demographic and cultural description, digital skills, educational questions

The survey carried out as part of "Digital Connections", a two-year project by Save the Children with the Research Center on Education for Media, Innovation and Technology (CREMIT) of the Catholic University, detects a significant number of minors of lower secondary schools in which the condition of…


Innovative teaching and inclusive pedagogy. The experience of students in the School of Relations and Responsibility

The paper presents the results of a first exploratory survey on an innovative teaching project, created on the initiative of some teachers interested in practicing formative and orienting assessment with strength and continuity, as well as inclusive pedagogical methodologies. The project – “The…


The role of work experiences as guidance factor for professional development. Results from a digital internship programme in Higher Education

The paper introduces the theoretical and methodological framework behind the design of a digital internship programme (Tirocinio-on) and the related tools based on the constructs of self-directed guidance, digital work-integrated learning and career management skills. The programme involved a total…


Strengthening metaphonological education and musical play for the development of reading and writing prerequisites in an inclusive perspective. A trial in kindergarten

The article presents a two-year trial aimed to develop reading and writing pre-requisites in kindergarten through the enhancement of metaphonological and musical activities. On the basis of scientific evidence, it is reasonable to suppose that the use of musical play may represent a promising…


Exploring the effects of Covid-19 pandemic on European project’s design and management: the analysis of the University of Bologna and the KU Leuven’s experiences

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced higher education systems in most parts of the world to quickly adapt to face the emergency. While a certain amount of research has focused on analysing the influence of the pandemic on teaching and learning practices or on international mobility, less interest has…


Gender differences in the use of new technologies and in university performance: quantitative analysis and pedagogical implications

The new digital technologies are now an integral part of the communication and training practices of young people, who are conceived as naturally predisposed to the use of ICT. However, the rhetoric of the screen or net generation (Rivoltella, 2006) risks masking the diversity of ICT use experiences…


To everyone the same opportunities: evolution of the technological equipment of Italian families during the Covid-19 health emergency

The health emergency caused by Covid-19 has highlighted the importance for students of having a quiet place to study and a technological equipment suitable for distance learning, in their homes. Until two years ago, the in-person classroom learning could compensate for the lack of these aspects,…


Training needs and digital skills of Italian teachers involved into “PON Program for School 2014-2020”: an analytical perspective for supporting a new reflection on online learning

The health emergency caused by the spread of COVID-19 during 2020-21 forced schools of all levels to provide online education. The complexity of the situation that has emerged and the problems that have immediately spread has stimulated debate on various aspects of the issue, in particular on the…


Sliding doors effect in families including children with disabilities: from crisis to rebirth. Narrative survey on the imaginative dimension of happiness for conscious and open parenting

The birth of a child with a disability marks an irreversible existential turning point for the family. We have chosen to carry out a narrative investigation by examining the so-called "sliding doors effect" in family caregivers, in search of possible worlds, aspirations, stories, bonds, impulses…


The disabling emotions and feelings of future special needs teachers: results of a survey on the emotional-relational factors involved in the perception of sensory disabilities

In addition to recognizing qualities based on knowledge, skills, competences related to strictly professional aspects and personality characteristics, over the years, attention has been paid to the emotional dimension of the teacher, as competence in self-management and self-regulation of their…


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